Glow and Grow
are you ready to Switch from lack to abudance in your life?
The Vibe
how to Manifest Money
energetics of abundance
meditation and energy clearing
practical exercises to shift subconscious blocks
lack vs abundance mindset in all areas of life
How I quit my 9-5 and grew a successful and thriving profitable soul-led biz in under a year
I'm so excited to share my money magnetism manifestation secrets with you all
we are going to focus on how to
clear your blocks so you can call in abundance in all areas of your life
I am open and ready to receive abundance in all areas of my life
“Thank you again for holding this space for me through these sessions. You have unlocked, cleared and initiated so many things in me. I feel excited again and for once the unknown isn't paralysing me in fear!”
“Guess what!!! I just got my first paying client!!! Wooo. Thank you! Couldn't have done this without you!
"Thank you for being my biggest hype girl and giving me the tools to finally be my authentic, truest version of me. This is the best I have ever felt. So happy and alive and so full of light all because of you! Thank you!!!
Let's Manifest Magic in your world together
Shanae x